Oxygen Therapy Devices
Oxygen therapy is a medical treatment that involves the administration of supplemental oxygen to patients who have trouble breathing or maintaining adequate oxygen levels independently. This therapy is commonly prescribed for those individuals with various respiratory conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, and congestive heart failure. Oxygen therapy can be administered through a concentrator or cylinder using methods such as nasal cannulas or face masks.
- Stationary Concentrators: These are sizable stationary units intended for home use, which draw in surrounding air, filters out the nitrogen, and supply concentrated oxygen to the patient.
- High Pressure Oxygen Cylinders: Oxygen cylinders, also known as oxygen tanks, are containers for holding compressed oxygen gas used in oxygen therapy for patients with respiratory issues. Made from aluminum or steel, they vary in size from portable units to large stationary tanks.
- Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC): These are battery-powered devices that draw in and filter oxygen from the surrounding air, delivering supplemental oxygen to patients in either a continuous or pulse dose flow. Their lightweight and compact design makes it easy to transport and use outside the home.

Oxygen Level Testing
A normal oxygen level, often referred to as oxygen saturation, is considered to be 95% or above. Healthcare providers may recommend oxygen therapy when levels fall below 88%. These tests are used to measure oxygen levels:
- Pulse Oximeter test: A non-invasive test that measures the oxygen saturation of blood using a small pulse oximeter device that is clipped onto your finger. It is commonly used to monitor oxygen levels in those with respiratory or cardiac conditions. This test can be used during a walk study or overnight setting.
- Arterial Blood Gas test: This blood test measures the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. This test is often performed on patients who have difficulty breathing or have a condition that affects their lung function.
- Pulmonary Function test: This test measures how well your lungs are working, assessing an individual’s ability to inhale and exhale and how effectively your lungs transfer oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide. Healthcare providers may use this test to help diagnose conditions like asthma, COPD, and other lung disease.

Potential Benefits of Oxygen Therapy
Oxygen therapy has the potential to offer significant benefits for individuals with respiratory conditions. By increasing oxygen delivery, it may help alleviate symptoms pf hypoxemia, individuals may also experience:
- Increase energy levels
- Improve sleep quality
- Enhance activity levels
- Improve cognitive function