Our Services Include

Disease Management
Education About Your Respiratory Condition
What sets Medical West apart is the education we share along with providing medical equipment and services. Our Disease Management Program is designed to educate and assist treating specific diagnoses, such as COPD, with the care and concern patients deserve. We work with providers and referrals to ensure patients have treatment options to improve their daily health-related quality of life.
Durable Medical Equipment
Medical Devices for Long-Term or Everyday Use
DME aids our patients to live more comfortably and independently day-by-day. We aim to help patients live a more convenient and active life. Equipment includes but is not limited to: Hospital beds, wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, bath benches, grab bars and more!
Enteral Therapy
Hydration and Nutrition
Medical West offers Enteral Services with extensive formulary options along with supplies for different methods of administration. We have a Nutritionist & Registered Dietician on staff to provide personal and individualized care for our patients.
Home INR Testing
Weekly Self-Testing and Supplies
Patients have the option to monitor their PT/INR levels from the comfort of their home through our affiliate mdINR®. With Home INR testing, you can monitor weekly, monthly, or as prescribed by your provider with timely results.

Nebulizer Therapy
Breathing Treatments
Your provider may prescribe a Nebulizer to assist with breathing issues such as Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, COPD and Emphysema. Nebulizer Therapy administers medications via inhalation directly to respiratory system.

Oxygen Therapy
Stationary and Portable
Oxygen Therapy may be ordered to treat symptoms from respiratory conditions. Oxygen Therapy can assist with breathing, energy, activity & sleep.

Mail Delivered Prescriptions
For convenience and peace of mind, most medications used for Nebulizer Therapy can be ordered through our affiliated Mail Order Pharmacy. Medication delivered directly to your home instead of trips to the pharmacy.
Sleep Therapy
PAP and Bilevel PAP Treatments
Sleep Therapy utilizes the assistance of PAP devices to treat sleep apnea and the symptoms that come along with this diagnosis. Respiratory Therapists are on staff at Medical West to provide PAP setups and education. Medical West works with your provider to provide the best possible care so patients can have the successful night of sleep they deserve.

Non-invasive and Invasive Home Ventilation
Ventilators are used to treat chronic respiratory disorders and can help alleviate symptoms. Ventilator therapy at home is an option to keep your day-to-day as normal as possible. Ventilators do not have to be scary, there are many types of Ventilator usage options, and our Respiratory Therapist are here to educate and assist patients and providers with this process.

Wound Care
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy is used to treat wounds that require additional help with healing.Disclaimer: Certain services are offered by affiliated entities.